Search results for eraserheads

But don’t forget it’s just a ride.

Edsa before:


Edsa after the storm:

I don’t miss the billboard clutter at all1 but the highway just looks so forlorn undressed, no? πŸ™

On to brighter things:

Katamari Damacy2 has been around for more than 2 years now but believe it or not I only got into the craze last month *sheepish smile*. It’s so fun! And easy! And weird! Lovit, lovit. The soundtrack’s really good, too. Click here if you don’t know (and would like to know) what I’m talking about.

And I might as well announce it since SonyBMG already did.
The Eraserheads Anthology Two will be out by October 16. Cover and interior artwork is again courtesy of my fabulous husband3 πŸ™‚
Related projects:
Eraserheads Anthology (volume 1)
The 2-in-1 Series (batch 1)
The 2-in-1 Series (batch 2)

  1. Especially not the ones with ginormous photoshopped-to-perfection images of her, what a relief they’re all down hehe.[ back]
  2. I know you told me about this MONTHS ago, Nest — ngayon ko lang nilaro![ back]
  3. With layout duties again by yours truly.[ back]
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I wanted life to be this way

Because I’ve been extremely pluggy1 these past few weeks months, I thought I’d be educational for once and post a new “What’s the Story Morning Glory” entry. Since there hasn’t been time to leaf through my archives of sleeping projects2, it was best to go the easy route and reprise my presentation at this year’s MBD – the one that started this whole “What’s the Story” thingy to begin with.

Presenting, ta-dah, the UltraelectromagneticJam album design and the story behind it.

SonyBMG called up to say that they want us to design for a yet-untitled all-star Eraserheads tribute album. All we knew was that different bands were gonna perform the music of the Heads. Because it didn’t have a title yet, I thought of the following visuals:

1. Legs of a couple of guitar-playing rocker chicks with the cord forming the name of the band. The idea I was trying to convey is that the album is all about other people playing Eraserheads music.
2. A “pop machine”, which also happens to be the title of one of the Heads’ hits. It’s supposed to be a vending machine that churns out, well, their hit songs but I wasn’t able to figure out how to visualize it, which explains why the visual is empty.3
I know I know, they were somewhat flimsy. Thankfully I didn’t have to submit them because Sony calls just in time to say that they already have a title for the album, “UltraelectromagneticJam” – derived from the title of the Heads’ very first album “UltraelectromagneticPop“.
And then in a Eureka! Moment I saw in my head what “look” this album is meant to have: a 70’s hippie, all-night party-in-Sunken-Garden feel.


3. I developed a quick, rough study. They liked it so…
4. I made a cleaner version, hoping it would be the final study already because, dear oh dear, hand-lettering all the bands and artists names ain’t no picnic.
Sony then informed us that we can’t use photos. Ack! Relayout!4 I then had to seek the help of my dear husband for an illustration that will go with the look.


And in the end, I’m quite happy with how it came out. πŸ˜€5

Related entry: The story behind the Blow-up Babies website.

In case you haven’t noticed, the titles/subjects of my last six blog entries are from various songs I happened to be playing in my head at the time I posted them. Anyone who can give me the titles (and artists too, if you like) of the songs they were derived from wins a…er… plug on this blog. πŸ˜€

  1. Yes, proof that you can take the girl out of advertising but you can’t take the advertising out of the girl![ back]
  2. read: projects that have already been put to bed. Ahehe.[ back]
  3. Another idea was to have a landscape of guitar picks signed with the names of the participating bands and artists but it was hard to execute as I didn’t have the lineup of artists yet so I eventually junked it.[ back]
  4. You think I would have learned my lesson but no, I still insisted on having everything hand-written even if it had to go through numerous revisions because the lineup only got finalized a week or so before its release. Imagine having to rewrite the names of the bands and songs in every possible order until we the sequence got finalized.[ back]
  5. And even if Budz, Raimund, Marc and Ely think that it’s not yet time for a tribute album, Arn and I were able to thank them for their music in our own way.[ back]
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Find the outline, things will tell you their name.

Finally I can show you some stuff my Arn has been working on these past few weeks.

SonyBMG 2-in-1 Series

These four albums from SonyBMG are just the first batch of a series of 2-in-1 cds that feature the music of 90s bands like Yano, Sugar Hiccup, Sandwich and Color it Red. Don’t mistake them for greatest hits collections though – they’re actually a repackaging of two original albums per artist1 that came out in the last decade. So buying one cd will actually give you two albums for the price of one2, neat-o!

When we first learned that it was gonna be a series, we decided to lay it out similarly to the Eraserheads Anthology album so that they can be sold all together as a box set in the future. So now the challenge for Arn was how to make them all look similar yet different – like in Anthology, each illustration should also convey each band’s style and personality.

Arn did a pretty swell job, don’t you think? The illustrations are fab3 and he just kept amazing me everytime he whipped out a new drawing.

The cds go for P285 each, and please stay tuned because there are six more coming.


As for me I’m still busy with the upcoming issues4 of WE but I’ll try to squeeze in a blog entry here and there as much as I can πŸ˜‰

Again, don’t forget to visit Blow-Up Babies at the Gateway Mall! And because we’re talking about 90s bands this week, here’s a bit of trivia:

Veda and Atari

These two pretty little girls are the daughters of two members of a now-defunct but still very popular 90s band5. Can you guess what band it is and which members they are?

Photos courtesy of Blow-up Babies!

  1. I had just told some friends that it seems so cosmic that Arn is doing the repackaging of some of the albums I originally designed – for instance, the 2-in-1 Sandwich album contains “Grip Stand Throw” and “4-Track Mind“, both of which I did the original inlays for.[ back]
  2. and buying 4 will get you 8![ back]
  3. I wish I could post larger images but piracy, music and design-wise, has become quite rampant lately.[ back]
  4. Yes, issues, in plural form, you read that right. Please wait and see.[ back]
  5. Super obvious clue: Their rockstar daddies are bandmates in “Cambio”[ back]
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I'm Cynthia Bauzon-Arre, a Filipino watercolor artist & graphic designer. I live in QC with my graphic novelist husband Arnold and our friendly marmalade tabby Abbas. This blog has been chronicling my life, likes, and loves since 2001. [ more ]

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