Breaking radio silence to invite you to my first workshop of 2019 (actually, my first workshop in almost 3 years. :D)!

watercolor workshop manila 2019 makati

Grow your appreciation for our beautiful native trees and flowers by painting them with me at our Philippine Forest Blooms Watercolor Workshop. This is a collaborative project with Forest Foundation Philippines and is still part of our ongoing Philippine native trees awareness campaign. <3

When: February 23, 2019 (Saturday)
What time: 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Where:  Happy Garden Cafe, Sunshine Place, #56 Jupiter St., Bel-Air, Makati City, Metro Manila

What you’ll learn:
1 – basic color theory
2 – watercolor techniques
3 – how to paint botanical elements, with a focus on native trees and flowers

Fee: P2,000, inclusive of lunch, art materials and freebies! Open to both beginners and intermediate learners. 🙂

What exactly are the freebies? Each participant gets a premium Escoda watercolor brush + my handpicked artist grade Holbein and ShinHan paints (all from ArtWhale, squeezed in a take-home palette), fine art watercolor paper, a copy of our ForestBloomsPh Planner, Forest Blooms notebook and tote bag,  and a Forest Foundation BFF Bambler!

Plus you get to be an advocate of the important role of native flowers and trees in conserving and protecting our forests. <3

Sign up here: . Limited slots are available. 🙂


