Since my last entry…
* …PLDT-DSL has gone from bad to worse. Is it just ours or do the lines really fluctuate for one to two hours during off-peak hours? It’s been like this for two weeks now. We’ve reported it 3x but the rep only keeps saying that “they will look into it”. (Boo!)
* …two of my favorite TV shows (1, 2) have gone on hiatus. What do you do when your favorite shows go on hiatus? Why, go bananas of course.
By the way, I got this from Nest:
Save Veronica
Aww! Hopefully there’ll be a season 4. The shot is from the episode “Mars Bars”
Regarding Heroes, what an awesome mid-season ender that was, huh?1 I don’t want to put spoilers here so if you’d like to discuss, leave me a note.
* …I’ve been working on the next issue of WE double time.2.
* …I’ve discovered iLike. Take a look at the nifty widget below and you will see what my iTunes is playing right now. The smart sidebar it comes with will also recommend tunes that sound similar to what you’re playing so it’s a great way to discover new music plus it’ll show you what your friends are listening to and vice versa so in a way, it’s like Friendster for music lovers. Also, if you’ve been wondering all this time where my subject headers are coming from, you’ll find the answers for sure in my Recently Played list. 😉

* …I retired my phlog3 and will be posting new photos on my Multiply account from now on.
* …we attended the wedding of Arn’s Korea travel buddy and Cast comic partner (and my VM co-fan) Jamie Bautista. Pictures here.
* …Carlo introduced me to Twitter, a quick way of telling the world what I’m doing at the moment4. I can enter one-line updates via IM and they will show up on my profile. It’s very much like a blog except that it’s more spontaneous. So in case I don’t get to update again within the next few weeks, just check my wall and see if I’m *really* hard at work or just puttering around online.

  1. Oh no, Peter’s trademark “bang” (singular of bangs) got cut off! I don’t think it’s the end of him though.[ back]
  2. Also because I’ve been glued to the TV and my deadline is looming and on top of that Arn and I are FINALLY going away on vacation again next weekend[ back]
  3. it’s still accessible though[ back]
  4. like the world cares, right?[ back]