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April 16:
Fat cats and the like.

Dear manga-and-feline-loving friends, you must check out Makoto Kobayashi's "What's Michael?" comic book series (if you haven't yet, that is). Very very entertaining, lah! A lot of the strips don't make any point at all, they just show kittycats like they really are, and I guess that's where the beauty of it lies. I actually learned about the series from Robert and Shirley who lent me their 6-book set last week (probably because I've been bombarding them with cat behaviour-interpretation questions lately). Read more about "What's Michael?" here.

fatcat (5k image)

Oh hello, our beloved tabby has learned how to use the Mac. I can't promise that he'll be of any use but if you have some spare net time, go ahead and add him to your Friendster account: delilahcat@bigfoot.com, cute naman sya eh.

delymac (8k image)

Ever read A Wrinkle in Time as a teen? Did you always wonder what Mrs. Whatsit really looked like? Wonder no more, Hallmark Channel is airing a TV-movie version in two parts tomorrow at 9pm and 12 midnight, Philippine time. I'm really excited because I've always wondered how this would translate as a live-action movie.


When Cyn and Arn are away, the cat and the mouse play, rather, the cat plays with the mouse.

this is one of the pictures i wish i could have taken. anggaleng!

Posted by Junnie
Apr 20 | 06:15 AM

added him na! buti hindi niya kinakain yung 'mouse.' hehe.

Posted by catsudon
Apr 20 | 03:38 AM


he's soo cute! and he can use the mouse, too! :) i want to visit your cat tuloy.

miss you na. let's dinner sometime. :)

Posted by neva
Apr 18 | 11:31 PM