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December 27:
Christmas and the C3 Con

I'm 2 days behind but it's never too late for Christmas greetings, right? Hope you're all having a wonderful holiday season (:

The Culture Crash-sponsored Comic Book Convention held last weekend went pretty well, I guess, considering that Megatrade Hall was filled to the rafters with fanboys and girls of every size, shape, and school of thought for two whole days. (Hard to miss were the dozens of kids in manga/anime-character costumes who showed up for the Cosplay Competition. [Photos here.])

It was terribly exhausting (I even got sick the second day) but Arn and I were happy enough to see all our friends from that field again. Since I don't have time to upload the bazillion pics I took, here's a little preview muna:

c3-quest (21k image)
The Quest Ventures Booth celebrities, Carl, Arn and Marco.

c3-cquest (24k image)
Arn with our good friends Dean, Nikki and Vinnie.

c3-spets (27k image)
Shirley and her Pets! (or Arn with Robert and Shirley Magnuson in their very colorful booth)

c3-trio (20k image)
Here's a pic of Ramon, Arn, and yours truly.

c3-girls (8k image)
Twas a surprise EB for Alia and me!

c3-friends (27k image)
The posse.


Carl: Thanks! I'll check
it out! (:

Alia: C3 Con kasi
Culture Crash Comics
Convention, hehe (:

Posted by Cyn
Jan 03 | 07:09 AM

yey, piktyurs! question. why is it called a "C3" Convention?

eto nanaman ako, curious. :)

Posted by alia
Dec 28 | 11:26 AM

more pics from the event at halfproject :)

Posted by carl
Dec 28 | 12:38 AM