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May 17:
Attack of the Clones

yoda (5k image)
So... liked the movie, did you?

We sure did. If you hated The Phantom Menace, AOTC should bring back the Star Wars believer in you.

*By the way, my Arn is part of the roving Star Wars exhibit, currently up at the Robinson's Galleria cinema lobby.

Some notes on AOTC (spoilers ahead):
1. It's packed with fast-paced action scenes and jaw-dropping visual effects, but you already knew that...
2. The Coruscant metropolis backdrop looks like it was lifted straight out of Moebius' canvas. Love it! The flickering billboard ads are a nice touch.
3. WOW, Yoda is *indeed* a Jedi Master. His lightsaber duel with Count Dooku is the high point of the movie!
4. And yeah, Christopher Lee plays a mean Count Dooku. Looky, it's Saruman with short hair.
5. Hayden Christensen saves the Anakin character from being the selfless brat Jake Lloyd made him to be. At least here you get to feel his pain.
6. Zam Wesell's one cool chick. Her part should have been longer and meatier.
7. Jarjar is, thankfully, less annoying (and less visible) in this movie. So, the eventual forming of the Empire is all his fault, eh?
8. Oh all right, some of the dialogue was so-so ("I hate sand..." duh?) but the overall awe brought about by the film more than makes up for it.

Welcome back, Star Wars. We missed you.


Edu: yup, Mace Windu
really kicked Jango
Fett's ass! Lucas
promises that Windu
will have a really
grand exit in Episode

Posted by Cynthia
May 21 | 10:32 AM

The whole Skywalker clan has nothing on Yoda. Who knew that the guy had some Jet Li-type moves in him? :)

Samuel Jackson kicks butt in this one too! I was half-expecting him to go into his "... for I am the Lord" speech before executing Jango.

Posted by Edu
May 20 | 08:19 AM

"Listen to the critics,
you shouldn't."

Posted by Cynthia
May 17 | 04:32 PM

Despite what critics say (I never listen to them anyway), the force is strong with this one ;-)

As an added bonus, they also showed the teaser-trailer to the upcoming "Matrix Reloaded" movie. And in Keanu's famous words, "woah".

Posted by Luis
May 17 | 12:51 PM