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May 08:
Young blood in the local film industry.

Our good buddy Quark along with rocket boy Avid are among the MTV Pilipinas 2002 nominees for directing the music videos of Monsterbot and Cheese, respectively:

Quark Henares puts a surreal comedic slant into Monsterbot's "Explosive" by casting the band's vocalist Diego Mapa as the host of a cheesy infomercial, an off-kilter style that recalls Spike Jonze' work with Weezer and Fat Boy Slim.

Avid Liongoren on the other hand, makes full use of his experience as an award winning webmaster and illustrator to Cheese's "Mottaka", employing individually painted frames and stop-motion animation.

Two words: Young blood! (Definitely what the local film/video industry needs more of.)


buddyh (5k image) "Ooo-wee-oo, and you're Mary Tyler Moore..."

Speaking of Spike Jonze, I do love all his pre-Weapon of Choice/Praise You quirky videos, most notably Weezer's "Buddy Holly" and Sean Lennon's "Home". I remember telling my Arnold two years ago that if Rent was to be turned into a movie, Jonze should be the perfect director for it*.

Note: Spike Lee will direct the movie, if and when production pushes through. (His name is, after all, mentioned in the "Light My Candle" sequence.)

"I see a lot of designers with good software skills, they know the latest effect, the latest style and the latest eye candy... there is a difference between design and style... I see a lot of stylists. There's only a handful of true designers. Conceptualization is sorely missing...", says fellow Weaver AJ Dimarucot re the common mistakes designers make. Read his entire interview.

Good point. As a designer, I've often felt the need to acquaint myself with whatever the kewl new DHTML or Flash trick is -- you know, just to keep up with the young ones -- but then again, at the end of the day, it's the content (and loading time!) that matters, not the fancy effects.

Update: To further stress this point, Luis P suggests a visit to Miniml, proof that functional and elegant design under 10k is possible.


Ramon-ra! Baz
Luhrmann??? I
respect him (and I
loved Moulin Rouge)
but I'm a bit skeptical
about him directing
Rent... hmmm. Let's
wait and see. (:

Benboy and Ellen: Yay
to minimalism!

Posted by Cynthia
May 09 | 09:07 PM

Ditto, Ben. Add that they should make sure everyone has powerful PC's, and they've got a shot.

Posted by ellen
May 09 | 05:03 PM

amen to that sis!...

i'd say, content is still king, usability, loading time and functionality is right up there with that.

and not until every household in the world has a t1 connection, i'd leave animation and the pink dancing bunnies only on tv.

Posted by benboy
May 09 | 04:55 PM

Hi Ate Cyn!

Quark went to NYFA, not NYU. :)

Oh, and you may be interested (or mortified) to learn that Baz Luhrmann is really trying to direct the film adaptation of Rent. That, or the next Batman daw (Brr!). But the Bat-franchise is still safely in the hands of Aronofsky. :)

Posted by Monra
May 09 | 02:54 AM

what a small world. i happen to know aj from irc before. hehe.

Posted by ellen
May 08 | 06:54 PM

Thank you for the link
to Miniml, Luis! Yes,
let's not fall into the
techie trap.

Posted by Cynthia
May 08 | 04:26 PM

I whole heartedly agree. Form should follow function, and with today's crop of new media designers, it is easy to forget the rules and basics of good design and run amuck with all the new tricks. But in the end (and just like you mentioned), the true question is: was your design able to convey the intended message and did it hit your target audience?

BTW, check out http://www.miniml.com

This site uses flash, but in a non-egregious fashion. The site's concept and layout borders minimalism, but produces the opposite effect of maximum impact. Good use of flash, I think...

Posted by Luis
May 08 | 03:56 PM