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May 01:
Inspiring females.

Inspirational links for the day:

angels (4k image) The Paper Moon: pretty cut-and-glue art by NYC-based designer Ida Pearle.
cday (3k image) Creative Day: inspiration collective by Marie-Chantale.

Non-work-related accomplishments this week:

1. Saw Rollerball. Wow. Never mind that it only got a 3% fresh Tomatometer rating, I never saw the original (Arnold did, naturally) so the concept knocked me out, in a 1984/A Clockwork Orange-ish kind of way.

2. Bought and watched Breakfast at Tiffany's VCD and learned that the repeated "I am a very stylish girl" voice over in Dmitri from Paris' "Une Very Stylish Fille"* was actually sampled from the movie.

*see my entry on Sacre Bleu.

3. Started reading Castle Waiting (again, thanks to Ramon for lending his copy. Incidentally, it was Neva's birthday yesterday, do greet her!).

4. Helped my brother design his new blog layout.

Should I be flattered (or worried) that my portfolio site is being used in an online Portfolio-building Workshop? Here, look.

1 comment

whoaw, galing ng drawings mo. is dat you with your arm crossed? just curious...

Posted by xy
May 02 | 12:28 PM